Commercial generator

Extra features

Using our commercial service gives you access to unique features not included in the free generator.

Already existing code set extending
You have already generated codes and want to add 10,000 more and make sure they are different from the ones you already have? No problem, just send us your existing database before generation.
Code format autodetection
If you want to extend an already generated code set, but don't know what configuration the codes were generated in, this is not a problem. We can try to autodetect the format of the existing codes so that the newly generated codes will match the format of the existing codes.
Bad words prevention
You want to create a promotion for the cat food and generate codes containing only ODG characters, but you do not want that your promotion codes to contain the word DOG? No problem, just list the words you do not want to appear in the generated codes and they will be automatically omitted.
Password protected zip file
To ensure that no one opens the generated file without your permission, we will deliver the generated codes as a password-protected zip file. Of course, you can opt out of this feature if you'd like.

Fair pricing

€10 / 1,000,000 codes

We use the fair pricing for all generated codes. You will be charged for the number of codes in the generated file. If you are extending an existing code set, please add the number of them to the final code count calculation. Each started 1,000,000 will cost €10. So generating 1M will cost €10, 5M will cost €50, 100M will cost €100 and so on. You can use the calculator below to clearly calculate the final price.

If you would like to use our commercial service, please use our contact form to describe the number of codes you'd like to generate, specify the format and provide any additional information you think will help us to prepare the final quotation.