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One of the most basic examples of generated codes may be a random string of characters consisting of letters and numbers. Below is an example of several 8 character codes.
In the case of strings of characters containing upper and lower case letters, reading them is often difficult, for this reason, if the code is to be read by a human, let alone rewritten, it is recommended to use a uniform character size, e.g. using only upper case letters. Below is an example of several such 6 character codes.
Sometimes it may be necessary to generate strings of characters consisting of all printable ASCII characters (letters, numbers and special characters). The following example shows in simple way how multiple patterns can be used at once.
Strong passwords should, above all, be long. OWASP ASVS 4.0 recommends that they be at least 12 characters long, which will make breaking them relatively unprofitable. It's a good idea not to rely on minimum requirements, which is why we recommend using at least 16-character, random passwords using letters, numbers and special characters.
If codes are to be transcribed or dictated, it is a good idea to structure them in a way that is easy to read and pronounce. For this purpose, a construction with alternating vowels and consonants can be used.